Fred the Bee- Autographed Hardcover Book

Fred the Bee- Autographed Hardcover Book


A first edition copy of the book, Fred the Bee. Signed by the Author, Kali Barnett, each first edition book will come with a digital song download of the book BEEing sung and read aloud.

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Come and join Fred the Bee on his very first adventure singing and playing his ukulele all over Brooklyn and New York City. Through Fred’s journey, he teaches us how to BEE ourselves BEEcause that is a BEEautiful thing! You can read Fred the Bee aloud or you can sing Fred the Bee to the tune of Bingo and Bee Bee Bumble Bee which will BEE even more fun!

Each autographed hardcover book includes;

  • An autographed hardcover first edition of the book, Fred the Bee.

  • A digital music download of, Fred the Bee read aloud.

  • A digital music download of, Fred the Bee sung and with music.

  • A special surprise from Fred.